Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Junior and Leaving Certs Good Luck!

The very best of luck to all 3rd and 6th year music students in their exams tomorrow and Thursday.  I'll be thinking of you all. Do your best and hope you enjoy the hols!

Best wishes
Ms Conway

Sunday, 12 May 2013

TY MUSICAL 'Jesus Christ Superstar'

A HUGE congratulations to all TY students involved in Jesus Christ Superstar! Everyone pulled together and the 3 performances received some amazing reviews! Well done to all students who worked on stage and backstage; you were a credit to the TY team and to the whole school community. You all showed a professional level of discipline and commitment to making the show a fantastic experience, and displayed an amazing amount of talent! Well done one and all!
Thank you to all parents and students who came and supported the students onstage.
Also, a very special thanks to Ms Birnie and all of the staff who helped on the front door, and to all who supported the show.  Thanks a million to Ms Cormac, Iníon Ní Riain, and Ms O'Connor for helping with makeup.
 A very special thank you to our staff musicians;Ms. McManus (percussion), Mr. O'Gorman (elec/acoustic guitar), Mr. Duffy (High Priest no's 1, 2, 3, and 4!!) and Mr. Purcell (keyboards, programme, set ups of hall, and many other jobs!).  You're involvement  in the musical enriched the experience for all involved.

Ms. Conway

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Junior and Leaving Cert Music Practicals

Congratulations to all our 3rd and 6th year music students on their outstanding performances over the past 2 weeks.  We are very proud of you! Well done and heads down now for written papers!!!
Ms Conway & Ms Bean

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Music Department Concert 2013

Well done to all students who performed at the music department concert on April 11th.  There was a huge amount of talent on display from students from all years!